2009-08-06 22:01:33 UTC
I need to run a T1 line from the smartjack to a CSU. The run is about 120
feet. I have lots of Category 5 UTP wire. Would it be okay to run the line
over a single Cat 5 UTC run? I can make sure the Tx and Rx are each on
their own pair, but if I have to use two separate pieces of cable, I might
as well track down individually shielded wire.
The run doesn't pass by anything really. There is one low-power 2.4GHz
video transmitter that it passes by and the only other cable that shares
that approximate path carry two ISDN BRI lines.
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feet. I have lots of Category 5 UTP wire. Would it be okay to run the line
over a single Cat 5 UTC run? I can make sure the Tx and Rx are each on
their own pair, but if I have to use two separate pieces of cable, I might
as well track down individually shielded wire.
The run doesn't pass by anything really. There is one low-power 2.4GHz
video transmitter that it passes by and the only other cable that shares
that approximate path carry two ISDN BRI lines.
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| comp.dcom.cabling - 3606 messages and counting!